Come aboard
For the last 10 years the “Reto Caribe” Challenge has been researching and building traditional boats in which we recreate ocean routes from as far of as 4.500 years Before Present.
For the last 10 years with my tribe we have rescued ancient boats, bringing to life their history, manufacturing them in the traditional ways & paddling their routes.
About me
Hello, my name is David Bottome, project leader in Reto Caribe; For the past 20 years I have paddled in my traditional kayak, mostly in solitary, all of the coast from the Orinoco River in Venezuela to Panama in the Pacific Ocean.
In Margarita I am on the board of Directors of of the “Museo Marino de Margarita”, one of 12 friend members of the History Academy of the State of Nueva Esparta, Director of the Margarita Solidaria Foundation, a Board Member of the “Foundation I am Identity”, honorary member of the Humboldt-Bonpland forum and I am involved in various projects mainly oriented to culture, heritage and history.
Latest Expeditions

Reto a las Islas Prometidas 2016
Our brave Amerindians, paddled to the Los Roques archipelago on a daring 130 km open sea voyage; We spent 3 years researching their voyages, building traditional “Curiaras” (dugout canoes), learning to paddle them and training a crew to meticulously recreate their travels.
Tutored by archeological authorities in 2016 we set out in the first ever Experimental Archaeology Expedition in the country.
Experimental Archaeology Expeditions
Validating that long distance travel between the farthest islands in the Caribbean, needed for prehistoric migration and population of the Antillean arc, was possible.

Reto Waikeri 2017
In 2017 we paddled 700 kilómeters in 20 days from the Orinoco river to the Island of Margarita, recreating the first part of the Antillean arc population movement of about 4000 years ago by the Arawak Saladoide.
Experimental Archaeology Expeditions
Validating it was possible to cover great distances in continuous days of travel.
The “Piragua Margariteña” is the most famous ship ever to sail our local seas; Our Piragua, born from 3D recreations of old pictures, is already built and we have paddled her over 200 kilómeters. We are now on the process of rigging her and getting ready to set sails in the three routes we have planned to demonstrate its worth as a present day solution to the problems local fisherman are facing.
Latest Project and Expedition
Rebirth of the Piragua Margariteña
Latest Documentary Film
I arrived in Margarita 4 years ago. I was far from imagining the enormous wealth of projects and adventures that I was about to experience.
Beyond common tourism this short documentary invites you to discover all the unconventional and unique alternatives that these three islands of our insular state have to offer.
Welcome aboard!
An Adventure called Nueva Esparta